Sep 15Liked by Petra Khashoggi

What a welcome surprise! Thank you for taking on this difficult subject matter. The contrast between you and Dave Grohl’s new love child is palpable. I wonder if both scenarios aren’t wrought with issues for the child. In a perfect world, a child’s birthright should be unconditional love from both his parents. Sadly it hardly ever is.

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This was so beautiful! Also, plz tell share your Jim Morrison story?? 🦎🤴🏼

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Thank you! Ah yes - I will definitely share that story in a post soon - it's too good!!

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Sep 15Liked by Petra Khashoggi

Incredible and beautifully written piece, Petra ❤️BRAVO for your honesty and sharing courageously your first hand experience 👏💗🙏

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I feel like the central theme here is adults protecting themselves over their children. It makes me remember - through their absence of their remembering - how precious and fragile each new life is, and how one single selfish decision can have an incomprehensible ripple effect.

Because the truth is, Dave’s newborn daughter is still going to grow up in a spotlight of some sort - the subject of public intrigue because of her famous father and the scandal that surrounded her arrival - without the full protection and presence of a father who can explain it to her in a way that makes sense.

But your story reminds us of the beauty that can come from the “self-indulgence” of others. That no matter what kind of “sinfulness” you are born into, brightness and goodness will shine despite it all. The universe always unapologetically rights all of the wrongs. You are living proof of this.

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Thank you, and beautifully put, as always.

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Incredible share…my first thought was why do we care about sex so much…but existence is cherishable…as the son of a wish-he-was-lothario the pangs of purpose ping…hell is having to relate to those who can’t or won’t but are…your words are free rad and brave…thank you…

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Thank you for your thoughtful, eloquent words.

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Sep 14Liked by Petra Khashoggi

What a fabulous piece Petra. Thank you for so openly sharing - and writing so clearly and brilliantly besides.

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That’s truly kind of you, Sam. Thank you!

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GORL this is a WILD piece of your life story! Thanks for sharing. What a great read 👏👏👏

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Thank you. Believe it or not, it gets wilder!

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Sep 18Liked by Petra Khashoggi

Thanks for sharing your story in a wonderful, witty way. Life is a strange trip.

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Thank you! And yes, it sure is.

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Sep 15Liked by Petra Khashoggi

There is a long, long line of men who have used and destroyed women on the path to realizing their dreams. I was disgusted by Dave Grohl’s admission. Clearly, for him women are objects to be used and abused — including his daughters and lovers.

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I found Anna Wharton’s piece about him interesting especially having read her previous one of her personal experiences with her musician ex.

Shows how much we need different perspectives but also just how much destruction these people leave behind them as they just go on living their lies and lives.

Thank you for sharing so openly


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Fascinating, Petra. How painful to be disowned and blamed in such a public manner. Thank goodness you had a gem of a stepfather.

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Thank you, Ros. A Gem indeed. And even though he's been gone for 7+ years, I feel closer to him now than I did when he was still here. We had a deep and beautiful connection, and it's true what 'they' say: Love never dies.

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That is a beautiful thing, Petra. I’m so pleased for you that you retained that connection beyond the apparent barrier. Not everyone has that gift.

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Sep 15Liked by Petra Khashoggi

I'm just learning this news about Dave Grohl through your article. I was just speaking of him the other day because he's from the local area. What a shock for his family!

Thank you for sharing your personal story. Absolutely incredible tale! I wonder how one deciphers what's "truth" in a position like yours... with so many versions of the same story?

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Thank you for reading and commenting. At the time, I, too, came as a shock to my new family members!

'Truth' is such an interesting subject. Regarding the story of the events leading up to how I came about, there are three truths: my mother's, my father's, and THE Truth. The last one I will never know.

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Sep 16Liked by Petra Khashoggi

Good point. The other option is your own truth and personal narrative, constructed over your entire lifetime. Narratives always change over time. Hope you find one that's most healing for you.💛

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Such an interesting insight and having read Anna Wharton’s piece on her Substack ‘White Ink’ about David Grohl and her personal experience with her ex husband I’m intrigued by the different perspectives

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What a wild story. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

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Sep 14Liked by Petra Khashoggi

Interesting! Thank you for your story🙏💕

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Sep 14Liked by Petra Khashoggi

What a poignant story, beautifully told.

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Thank you for your kind words!

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